How To Maintain Your A/C Unit In The Summer
Amarillo summers require a ton of cooling. Unlike the winter, when you can often leave your air conditioning off, your air conditioner runs 24/7 during the summer. Your HVAC system can perform great under summer conditions but will take upkeep and maintenance.
Go Outside and Check Your HVAC
A lot can happen in winter when your air conditioning is in hibernation. Before you turn on your air conditioning for the summer, do a visual inspection of the A/C unit. If you find any debris (e.g., leaves, sticks) stuck in the unit, remove the debris before turning the system on.
If a piece of the A/C unit appears caught (a part of the A/C unit is stuck or hanging off your A/C unit), call an air conditioning professional to ensure there isn’t any severe damage before turning your system on.
Clean Your HVAC
Air conditioning units have many moving parts; therefore, it is essential to maintain the interior the same way you would the exterior. If there is dust or debris buildup within the inner tubes, there is a higher chance of a system failure sometime soon.
Most air conditioning units open quickly, but if you aren’t comfortable working inside the unit, you should call an air conditioning specialist to ensure your unit will last as long as possible during the strenuous summer months.
Always Replace Your Air Filters
Your A/C unit is about to work harder than it has for the past eight months. With so much pressure on your HVAC system, you must frequently replace the air filters. Go ahead and change them all out at the beginning of summer, and then change them monthly afterward.
Doing this will make the air smoothly transition from the inside ductwork to your home. Failing to change your air filters will not only cause a decrease in air quality in your home, but it could also damage your air conditioning unit to the point of breaking down.
Continuously Monitor Performance
After you have changed the air filters and examined the A/C unit for interior and exterior damage and buildups, you can safely turn on your air conditioning. If everything comes on regularly, then be sure to routinely check the unit and change the air filters throughout the summer.
If the air isn’t cold, then there may be more significant problems that require a technician to fix. If you want to get your air conditioning unit inspected before summer goes into full swing, contact us online or call (806) 372-1572.